Interest in Jordan TAG
Please respond with what type of TAG you are interested in joining. You may join more than one type of TAG, although we appreciate your active participation if you join a TAG meeting. Participation may include responding to emailed proposals, providing feedback in meeting workshops, and consulting with your respective parties about rule concepts. We appreciate your input! Also, any comments to the unrequired survey questions below will not be published with your name unless we get your permission prior. *If you already signed up for a TAG in the DWR Feb 22nd meeting RSVP form, no need to sign up again, but if you are unsure if you responded then please enter your information here. 
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Interest in joining a TAG *
Name *
Email  *
Type of TAG *
Position, Affiliation *
Do you like small group discussions/workshops in meetings?
What do you want to know more about, related to Jordan Nutrient Rules? What do you want presented at meetings?
What would you like to see improved from the current Jordan rules to the new Jordan rules? Specific issues with implementation and reporting?
Would you prefer written new concept proposal documents sent in advance of tag meetings, even if your feedback has not been incorporated yet?
What are some of your concerns with the current Jordan Nutrient Rules or initial new rule concepts? 
Please add any additional comments you would like to share at this point. 
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