Saturday, July 6, 2019 - Cat Adoption Event at Purcellville Library in Purcellville, VA - 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
220 East Main Street, Purcellville, VA  20132

We will have kittens and cats as well as pictures of available animals not there.  Volunteers needed to assist with the animals as well as set up before the event starts (10:30am) and clean up after the event (goes to about 1:15p).  We also interact with customers in the Library to provide information about HSLC.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Mobile Cell Phone Number *
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Volunteer Availability *
Have you attended Volunteer Orientation? *
Are you a Youth Volunteer (under 17 yrs of age)? *
Animal Sign-up (Please note time difference for Animals)
Type of Animal(s)
Animal Names
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