Marketplace Seller
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By checking this box, I am agreeing that The Kint Story only accepts items that meet their strict acceptance standards. Each item will be evaluated to determine, in their sole discretion, whether the item: (a) is in excellent, new or like-new condition; (b) is free from stains, pilling, holes, odor, and any other signs of excess wear or truthfully indicated and (c) is in-season and on-trend. I am also liable to ensure that all products are thoroughly examined and defects of them are accurately written out. Listing prices are determined by many factors, including the brand, seasonality, and quality of each item. To learn what your items may earn, be sure to check out our Sellers Guide. The Kint Story will determine the final listing price. *
By checking this box, I am aware that if there is a dispute between you and the buyer, The Kint Story is entitled to withhold any payment and will have no obligation to pay any payout or other amounts due to you, including without limitation, amounts unrelated to the dispute, unless and until the dispute is resolved. I am liable to ensure that product is shipped out within 7 working days after the order payment is notified The Kint Story once the payment has been made and I will have to cover the shipping fees for normal local postage and registered postage (for order above $50) unless otherwise stated. Payment will only be made the following month end of the month were purchased is made. The Kint Story will take a consignment fee of 15% - 18% from the final price. *
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