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Choose the correct synonym of the word ' privilege' 
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Choose the correct synonym of the word 'expert'
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Choose the correct antonym of the word ' general ' 
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Mithali lives in ______?
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"On the one hand being compared to Sachin is an absolute privilege" this sentence is said by _______?
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India has won how much women's kabadi world's cup in 2012 to 2017?
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Who was won gold medal in kabadi?
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What is the meaning of the word 'prominent'?
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The women's World Cup was first held in ______?
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Write abbreviation of BWF ?
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Which is the second most popular sport in the world ?
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When P V Sindhu Received Arjuna Award?
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Match the sport with correct equipment
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An adjective is a word that describes a _______? 
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Find out the odd one from the following

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What is the meaning of the word ' Mate'
1 point
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Who is called as the poet of the people?
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Springfield is the name of a ______?
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Seema is Rucha's ____?
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Think to win supplementary based on ____?
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Their house stood ____ in the overall tally
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' you must practice more.That is all' this sentence said by who with whom 
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Sindhu started playing badminton at age of ___?
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Beleive in yourself and follow your _____?
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Find out the adjective of the quality from the following 
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What did Usha rani sell to support her family?
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Select the incorrect pair

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Select the opposite word for "Tiny"
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Edgar Albert Guest was made Poet Laureate of _____, the only poet to have been awarded the title. 
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Select the incorrect pair
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