Brand Inquiry Form
Hello there! Thank you for reaching out and taking interest in working with Charm Digital Hub.

Tell us about your business by filling out the brand inquiry form below with as much information as possible. This will allow us to have a good understanding about your brand, your needs, and how we can help you achieve the brand of your dreams.

Please note that response time may vary from 1-3 business days. So keep an eye on your email for a response!

If you have any further queries, please feel free to email us:

Thank you! ✧ 
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Full Name (First Name, Last Name) *
Email Address *
Business Name *
Business Social Media Handles (if applicable)
Business Website (if applicable)
How long have you been in business?
What is your niche?  
Are you a Product-based Business or Service-based Business? *
Tell us more about your business (what you do, your target audience, and if applicable, share your unique story about name/business) *
What is your approximate budget for this project? *
Brand Design Package you are interested in
If you selected Custom Package, please specify desired deliverables 
Please advise the target deadline for this project
How did you learn about Charm Digital Hub? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about ? 
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