八关斋戒线上闭关报名表/Home Retreat Registration Form(7&15/Nov/2020)
我们要求参与者填写基本信息,云禅林团队对于是否接受报名有所审核。请填写本人信息、勿多人使用同一信息报名。您的信息仅用于闭关所需,可能会与上师、法师及播课组发心人员分享,便于云禅林内部管理并提供便利与服务,但不会流于上述人员之外的第三方。如有疑问可邮件至 info@virtualachen.org联系。
The information we collect is only used for organizing the retreat at our best. The information in this form is stored and handled securely and confidentially. Individual personal data may be shared with Gyalwai Nyugu Rinpoche, Virtual Achen Gar lamas and the coordination group.  If you have any questions regarding our processing of personal data or if you want to exercise any of your rights regarding the information we have about you, you can contact us via email: info@virtualachen.org.
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1. 姓名或法名/(Dharma) Name *
2.所在国家(参加中文组共修,请用中文回答)/ Country *
便于在各国日出时间不同的情况下安排合理的日间第一座禅修时间。It's important for us to schedule the the first group meditation session as the sunrise times differ in different countries.
3.本人邮箱地址/ Email address *
发送闭关详情用,填写闭关者本人邮箱|勿代报|/For sending schedule and details of the retreat
4.您是否第一次参加闭关?/First time attending a retreat? *
5.请根据个人情况选择闭关日/Choose the reteat day accordingly *
6. 选答:如是否在修五加行 /Other comment: If you are practicing Ngondro(optioanl)
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随喜您的参与!在提交前,请再次确认信息尤其邮箱地址的准确性。/We rejoice in your registration,Please reconfirm the accuracy of your information again before submitting, especially your email address.
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