CyMath Student Application
Directions for Completing this Application

1. We are accepting applications for 3rd - 8th grade students. In-person sessions held at Sawyer after-school on Tuesdays and Thursdays (one in-person session per week unless you do not have a way for the child to be online on other days). In person tutoring is from 2:45 -  4 pm. A Zoom session on Thursday is from 4:30 - 6:30 pm (for one hour during that time), and a Saturday Zoom session from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm either on ISU campus or through Zoom depending on the date. Sawyer students and students from backgrounds under-represented in Engineering prioritized. 
2. Please fill out an application for each student in your household that will be participating
Information provided via this Application is only visible to the Ames Community School District Administrators and the CyMath staff for the CyMath Program, per the contract between ACSD and Iowa State University.
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Email *
Student Information
List the information of the student
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
School Name *
Student Grade (3rd, 4th or 5th) *
Date of Birth (00/00/20xx) *
Gender *
Contact cell phone of parent/guardian (for texting); can add two
Contact email of parent/guardian;  can add two
Race and Ethnicity (Please Select All That Apply)
Does the student have access to the Internet (WiFi) at home?
Clear selection
Student Availability for CyMath Tutoring Sessions. Please select all times that work for your child.
Does the student need transportation from school to their home after the in-person tutoring session? This is NOT currently available, but options are being investigated.
Clear selection
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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