The Holy Apostles Home & School Association (H&S) is in need of family volunteers to help coordinate and facilitate all of the fun events, fundraisers, and various tasks that help keep our school running.  

Please consider volunteering for at least one item -- many hands make light work! :)

By signing up to volunteer, you are verifying that you have completed the Safeguarding All of God’s Family requirements for school volunteers.  This is REQUIRED for all volunteers.
Questions? Contact Home and School Volunteer Coordinator, Chantelle Soltysiak csoltysiak@gmail.com

Please note, Health Rm, Lunch Rm and Playground volunteers are coordinated by the School Office

KEY:  + Can be done from home * Can bring younger children along

For descriptions of our various volunteer opportunities, please see the link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_oDhjRFaj2xuuFfyi5sBqdUhL4b_9Zgj/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109111155572657745999&rtpof=true&sd=true

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Phone Number *
2022-2023 H&S COMMITTEE OPPORTUNITIES (please check all that apply)
H&S Volunteer Opportunities - ADULT ACTIVITIES (please check all that apply)
H&S Volunteer Opportunities - FUNDRAISING (please check all that apply)
H&S Volunteer Opportunities - STUDENT ACTIVITIES (please check all that apply)
H&S Volunteer Opportunities - OTHER (please check all that apply)
School Volunteer Opportunities - TEACHER/STAFF SUPPORT (if volunteering for these positions, please include the general days of the week you are able to assist under "Other"
School Volunteer Opportunities - Room Parent (please enter the teacher(s) names you would like to volunteer for)
School Volunteer Opportunities - OTHER (please check all that apply)
Other Volunteer Interests: Do you have a special skill or talent you’d like to share but unsure about what to volunteer for?  If so, let us know and we can find a spot!
Other Volunteer Interests: Do you have access to a unique resource (e.g., deejay, sno-cone machine, trailer etc.) that you’re willing to share with the school?
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