Spiritual Nomad: A Journey Within And Abroad
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A young shy girl struggling with anxiety yearns to see the world and find her voice. A surprise opportunity for a solo visit to Europe shows her a new, vibrant road to let her voice be heard. Europe steals her heart, and she promises to go again the following year alone and stay for even longer. She returns to America like a new person, ready to conquer more of her fears and continue to see more of the world. Unfortunately, life throws her an unexpected curveball when a traumatic event with her brother shakes her to her core. Anxiety takes over and she finds it difficult to find the strength to go on. She struggles to leave the house and her fire for traveling slowly burns out. As she emerges from a dark place and embarks on a journey within to love herself again she manages to control her anxiety. After more than ten years of traveling to fourteen countries, road-tripping through the United States, Europe, Mexico and Costa Rica, each place she visits has a spiritual message to take home. Committing to being a Spiritual Nomad means accepting the adventurous journey with all its bumps in the road.
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