D35: Reporting a Student Absence
Please report student absences with this form before 9:15 AM.

LEGAL NOTICE: This form is to be filled out and submitted only by the student's parent or legal guardian. In the event that a person other than the student's parent or legal guardian fills out and submits this form, D35 reserves the right to take any legal action for fraudulent submission and/or take disciplinary action against any D35 student(s) involved. We reserve the right to call home and verify the absence as needed.

* Late arriving students MUST check in at the main office.

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Email *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Student's School *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Starting Date of Absence: *
Anticipated Returning to School on: *
Reason for Absence *
If you checked ILLNESS for the absence reason, please share the symptoms your child is experiencing. Check all that apply.
If you checked APPOINTMENT for the absence reason, please let us know the estimated time your child will LEAVE school:
If you checked APPOINTMENT for the absence reason, please let us know the estimated time your child will ARRIVE at school:
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