Leadership Mastermind Group Interest Survey
We are excited to announce a leadership masterclass group starting APRIL 2025 but first we would appreciate your feedback to gauge your interest.

What is a Leadership Mastermind? It's a small, facilitated group focused on personal and professional growth through the study and application of leadership principles. Led by Certified Leadership Coach and Trainer, these groups meet regularly to discuss principles, share experiences, and hold each other accountable for implementing the concepts in their personal and professional lives. The goal is to enhance leadership skills, foster personal development, and build a supportive network of growth-minded individuals. Upon successful completion of this program you will receive a Leadership Certificate of Completion.

Confirmed Details

  • Start Date: April 22, 2025
  • Time: 8:00 PM-9:30pm
  • Duration: 5 Weeks
  • Frequency: Once a Week
  • Platform: Virtual via Zoom
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Would you be interested in joining a leadership development mastermind group? *

2. What specific leadership skills or topics are you most interested in? (Check all that apply)

3. Name *
4. Phone Number *
5. Email *
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