Apply for Chalmers Formula Sailing
The Chalmers Formula Sailing team was founded in 2017, to participate in an international design and sail racing competition for university students, the 1001VelaCup. In September 2018, Chalmers Formula Sailing entered with a boat called “Linnea”, designed and built by 8 students from Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.

The boat was designed with a single aim – to maximize our winning chances. Starting from a clean sheet of paper, we carefully studied the weather conditions. Combining an engineering mindset, innovative thinking, and using advanced simulations, we came up with an extreme design, tailored for the light winds of Sicily, Italy.

This extreme design would be fast, but also very difficult to sail. Fortunately, we have many world-class sailors studying at our university, and we recruited two of them to sail our boat.

With world-class sailors and a world-class boat, Chalmers Formula Sailing won a superior victory at the 2018 1001VelaCup, becoming the first non-Italian team to claim victory. In the 2019 1001VelaCup, Chalmers Formula Sailing team finished 3rd.

For 2020, the ambition was to reclaim the winner's trophy, by designing and building an advanced hydrofoil system, that would increase sailing performance greatly. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 sailing regatta was replaced by a design competition, and the hydrofoil system was never built.

Chalmers Formula Sailing team won the 2020 design competition, facing innovative and high-quality competition from 5 international universities.

For future editions, we want to use more innovative materials and manufacturing methods. We need students who can pursue the technical development of our boats. We need to create sponsorship relations and improve our communication strategy. We need project managers who can help make the most of the team’s time and resources. If you think you can contribute – register your interest below!
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