New Entrepreneurs in Europe for a Better Life in the Future
The project wants to analyse the knowledge and needs of young people regarding entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship skills and interests.
The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
1. Gender *
2. Age *
3. Where do you live: *
4. What is your nationality / ethnicity? *
5. What education do you currently have *
6. How many people live in your household? *
7. How big is your income / is it sufficient? *
8. Do you face any social difficulties in your daily life (please specify up to 3 answers that best suit your situation): *
9. In your opinion, what offers more advantages – living in a big city or living in a small town / rural area? *
10. Please, indicate why you think so: *
11. Do you feel socially excluded? *
12. In your opinion, do disadvantaged / underpriviliged / marginalised people have the necessary resources for a full-fledged way of life in your region? *
13. Do you have a clear idea about what you would like your career/profession to be? *
14. What are your fears regarding your future? (you can choose more than one answer) *
15. Which of the following goals is most important to you at the moment? *
16. Do you think that the development of non-formal education in your region would be useful for young people? *
Extremely useless.
Extremely useful.
17. How do you cope with looking for and finding a job? *
18. Do you feel informed enough on how to make a good impression throughout the job application process? *
19. What would you prefer? *
20. Do you think you have enough competences to start your own business? *
21. Are you familiar with the requirements for setting up a business in your country? *
22. What do you think are the prerequisites for success in starting your own business? (you can choose more than one answer) *
23. Do you think that you have these (above mentioned) characteristics / prerequisites to start a business in the field that you want? *
24. In which sector would you like to start your own business? *
25. Are you aware of programs, funding instruments and other forms of entrepreneurship support available in the area where you live and/or want to start your own business in? *
26. What do you define as the main obstacle/challenge one can face when starting their own business? *
27. If you had the opportunity to choose, what skills would you like to acquire? *
28. Is there something about entrepreneurship you feel you are not sufficiently informed? If so, what topic would you like to be informed about? *
29. What do you think are the most important characteristics of a successful young entrepreneur? /you can choose more than one answer/ *
30. What kind of help/ support do you think you need in order to take steps to start your own business? *
31. Would you benefit from the assistance of NGOs or youth workers in preparing for inclusion in the labour market or in starting your own business? *
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