Elavate program -Entry form 
 During this we’ll cover:
  1. Executive Poise, presence and presentation so that you become confident and approachable.
  2. Getting clear on your personal brand  so you know where and how to showcase it .
  3. Refining your presence , so you have something that is unique   your customers ,or others really want to experience.
  4. Mastering your  emotions, learning how to camouflage nervousness so that you handle situations better. 
  5. Mastering small talks that create rapport. 
  6.  Dine, discuss and  the art of converting .  

In this unique program , you'll get:

  • 6 live training modules to teach you those interpersonal  skills you’re missing, so you can plug your gaps and build a stunning personal brand 6 group coaching sessions with me to troubleshoot your challenges and provide you with the accountability you need to take action.
  • Exercises and support documents for each module so you’re never left alone to figure out how to implement what you’ve learned.
Add your details below to get on the waitlist for our next cohort!
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Email *
Hello , Coach Alice here, What are your official names?  *
What is your preferred email address for our correspondence?
Where are you located? Myself I am currently based in Nairobi (East Africa time ) ,GMT+3 *
Select your preferred communication channel .
Fill in details  your telephone number. *
ELEVATE PROGRAM is delivered in 4 modes ,choose your preferred mode of delivery  . *
What will be your preferred payment option? 
(Please Note that choosing installment payments will incur an additional 10% charge on the initial cost.)
When would you like to join ELEVATE PROGRAM  *
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