2020 IGM: Propose a motion
Supporters’ Society members are entitled to propose motions for debate at the IGM which will be voted upon by members.

Following the rules of the Society, any member may put forward a written motion for debate at the IGM. Motions must be seconded by another member of Bath City Supporters’ Society. Please state below any motion submitted by you, give your name and email address, as well as the seconder's name and email address below - we will contact them to confirm, they do not need to send in this form.

Please note that the legality of this motion is subject to scrutiny by the Society Committee whose decision will be final. The proposer must attend the IGM, propose the motion and after the debate may have the right of reply before the motion is put to the meeting for resolution.

[NB At IGMs, motions are technically known as “Members’ Votes” and do not have the same constitutional weight as motions at AGM. However, the Society Committee is obliged to consider and respond to all Members’ Votes. We have referred to Members' Votes as "motions" in our IGM communications to reduce confusion.]

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Please propose your motion below *
Proposer Name *
Proposer Email *
Seconder Name *
Seconder Email *
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