Neurodivergent Infinity Network of Educators—Consult Request/Membership
Please complete this form if you 

1) Would like to be added to our email distribution list (includes seasonal updates, resource publications, event notifications)

1) Would like to further discuss a NINE resource 

3) are interested in joining the Neurodivergent Infinity Network of Educators (NINE) (diagnosed or not, neurodivergent folx AND neurotypical allies welcome) 

4) value authentic insights from Neurodivergent educators and would like to discuss an initiative, language use, or resource with NINE before proceeding   

PLEASE NOTE: your responses are kept in the strictest of confidence. We are an Affinity Network and our prime goal is to create safe spaces for all Neurodivergent staff, students and community members.
電子郵件 *
Preferred Name and pronouns   *
My preferred/usual method of communication is:             
Current Role in Education (All are welcome as we see everyone as a potential Educator) *
My positionality in terms of Neurodiversity: (optional)
Area where my current school/school board is located (countries listed are based on current membership) 
An experience I would like to share about being a Neurodivergent Educator/ Employee in the Educational Sector(a challenge, an obstacle, a success story, a funny anecdote, a life-changing moment):
Something else I want NINE to know (e.g., feedback on a resource, a question, how NINE has been of value to you, something to celebrate, or anything else you want to share)
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請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Durham District School Board 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形