Independent Dance booking form
Please note that this does not guarantee you a place on the workshop.
Your place will be confirmed once you have made at least 50% of the payment required.

For Crossing Borders bookings please click here:
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Email *
This form is not currently in use.
In light of the current Covid-19 emergency, we are working to shift part of our programme online. Please visit our website and social media to find information on what's going on, and how to book.
Name of the workshop / event you are booking: *
First name *
Surname *
Email address *
Telephone number *
How do we best contact you if we need to follow up on your reservation?
Please indicate for which rate you are eligible: *
If there is only one rate, please click 'Standard'
For concession bookings: please email a photo or scan of your proof of concession to
Do you or anyone you are booking for have any access requirements? *
Please give a description below and how we best contact you if we need to follow up
Are you a professional dance artist and/or experienced bodywork practitioner *
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