Respond to the BECOME Questions

Welcome to the Response Form for the BECOME Questions in this third season of parish consultation and conversations.
Select your parish or particular Church community from the list below.
Then you can enter your responses to the questions you choose.
When you click on SUBMIT your responses will go to your parish email address.

N.B. If you wish to go back to your submission and complete the unanswered questions, please ensure you copy the unique web link provided after you click Submit.

You can respond
- to as many or as few questions as you choose
- as an individual or on behalf of a group, or both
- multiple times.

Using your submitted Response Form unique URL you can also retrieve your previous submission for editing.

Your responses will be collated with those of other parishioners in preparation for your Parish Assembly in mid-year.
Name (optional)
Email address (optional)
Select your specific Parish or Church Community
As a parish are we becoming something more by the power of the Holy Spirit, a parish community that is renewing in Christ? How do we know?
As a parish commissioned by Christ do we give God our leftovers to work with (left over thoughts, prayers, time, energy, talent, money, love) or our best (the best of our thoughts, prayers, time, energy, talent, money, love). Is Christ really the centre of our parish life?
As a parish what are we hanging on to that stops us from becoming who Christ calls us to be?
In what ways does the name and story of our parish invite, call, inspire and challenge us to become new in Christ in these times?
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