Armies of Light and Darkness
Some time ago, we let characters with appropriate Exalted lists choose to join the Armies of Light or Darkness and deal certain specialty damage types. If you have decided your character has joined the appropriate Army, please fill out this form! The information will be added to your character card notes.

As a reminder, this is an opt-in system, with the exceptions of Light and Dark Paladins, meaning you only benefit from it if you have decided your character aligns with all higher powers of your source (be it Light or Darkness). Characters who see someone swinging any of the “Flame” or “Frost” modifier damage types may always choose to recognize their allegiance with that Army

See here for the original post from the Exalted Team.
Light and Dark Paladins need not fill out this form!
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Player Name *
Character Name *
Character Number
Which Army?
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What qualifying Exalted List/Legendary does your character have?
If you have a choice of damage type, which one do you choose for your character?
Please reference your exalted list document for a reminder as to which damage types are available for which exalteds. Once selected, this choice should not be changed.
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