Cowes Race Charter Expression of Interest Form
Please register you interest for the booking of one of the Cowes Race Charter Etchells, for the Cowes Etchells series for 2025.

Note: This is not a confirmation of your booking, but a request to book a charter of an Etchells. You will be emailed directly for the final steps of your Cowes Race Charters booking. If you choose an option that is booked or reserved, you will be offered the next available offer to your request.
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Cowes Race Charter Booking Rates 2025
Please provide your full name
What is your contact number (including country code)? *
What is your email address? *
Which Etchells do you wish to charter? *
Do you require sails to be provided, or will you provide your own sails? *
Which events do you wish to charter your Etchells for? *
Please provide your sailing experience (Including regattas competed at, and boats sailed) for Cowes race Charter Insurance
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