Carbon and its Compounds - 06
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Q1.  The first member of the alkyne homologous series is *
1 point
Q2. In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms to form *
1 point
Q3. A soap molecule has a *
1 point
Q4. —CHO represents the functional group *
1 point
Q5. A functional group mainly determines the *
1 point
Q6.   Solubility of alcohol in water is due to *
1 point
Q7.  Artificial flavour for orange is obtained from *
1 point
Q8. Drinking alcohol is very harmful and it ruins the health. “Drinking alcohol” stands for *
1 point
Q9.  The difference in the formula and molecular masses of CH3OH and C2H5OH is *
1 point
Q10. Which of the following statements about graphite and diamond is true? *
1 point
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