FBYC Membership Application
FBYC welcomes applications from sailors with a wide range of interests - young families seeking an excellent junior program for their children; One-Design, handicap, or Offshore racing skippers and crew; cruising sailors of all levels of experience and ambition; and retired sailors wishing to associate with and give back to the sport - who are seeking a club where they can sail, socialize with other sailors, and contribute to the sport of sailing.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club is a "participation" yacht club. Our racing and social events are run by our members. Membership involvement is crucial. New members, as well as old, are expected to provide at least two (2) days of service annually.

Please visit our website to read more about how to apply for membership and our requirements if you have questions before starting the application below.

Information on the initiation fee and dues can be found at:

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Email *
Full Name *
Nickname (if applicable)
Street address *
City, State and Zip *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
Business affiliation and Position
Do you have a spouse or domestic partner? *
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