Apply to emotional support cat program
Please fill out this questionnaire if you live in Eastern Massachusetts. If you are accepted, we will:
  • Help you through the process of adopting — from a local foster home or shelter — a friendly and loving cat that will comfort you as an emotional support animal in your home

  • Work with you to set up your cat's ongoing care

  • Provide coaching on cat care, bonding, behavior and communication

  • Support you if needed with cat behavior issues

Please note: We do not cover adoption fees, supplies, and ongoing expenses such as vet bills and food. There is a thorough application process to adopt a cat through the cat rescue/shelter.

Questions? Contact
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Do you have a disability? *
Please describe your disability if you have one
Do you live in Eastern Massachusetts? *
How did you hear about Cat Companions?
Why do you want a cat to help you with emotional support?
What do you hope the cat will help you with? Check all that apply. *
Wajib diisi
What is the age of the person who will receive the cat? *
Who is the cat for? *
What is your living situation?
What is your family income?
Batalkan pilihan
How many people in your household are dependent on this income?
Batalkan pilihan
(Optional) Your comments on your financial situation:
Do you have another pet living with you? *
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