NYC Schoolグループと個人レッスン 申込フォーム
NYC Schoolにご入会の生徒さんの申し込みフォームになります。




尚、口座振替依頼書の提出 (銀行の口座振替整備費用で初回のみ550円が加算されます。/整備がまだの方はお振込の手数料はご負担いただきます。なお、次学期への席の確保ができません。)


♦︎♦︎♦︎ グループレッスンのテキストは下記になります♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

LOOK またはLet's Go 2,220円〜 (発売元の価格の変動により変更します。)

LOOKはNational Geographicの出版しているテキストです。
Let's GoはOxfordが出版しているテキストです。

Reading A-Zのクラスはテキストの用意はありませんが、毎学期 Raz-Kids (学期ごと1100円)の
デジタルの本の購読にサインアップしていただきます。 教室ではそれに加え、Reading A-Zの教材も使用する


● 月額制 (学期制よりもレッスン単価は高いです。)

● 学期制 (低価格でのレッスン設定になります。)


グループレッスン ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎学期制のお支払いの場合 ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ 


定員6名 (ベビーのみ5名)
施設費 6,600円 (施設費は秋期講習、冬期講習、春期講習の年3回にかかります。)
(ベビークラス 30分 2,750 円)

講習期間の価格 全12-17週間 税込価格になります。いかなる場合でも休会制度、学期途中退会の返金はありません。(学期制の生徒さんは学期途中の休会や途中退会の返金などは従来の様に行いません。天災、感染症の拡大予防などを含み、教室の責任下でなくレッスンがキャンセルになる場合は返金はありません。個人にいかなる理由があっても返金はありません。)

 ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

全12週間の料金(冬季講習期間 1-3月の場合) (学期期間の価格で休会、途中退会はできません。)

60分レッスン     26,400 円
30分レッスンベビークラス 17,160円

60分レッスン 50,160 円 (週2回の場合は自分ができるレベルと、チャレンジなレベルの2つを選択してもらうことがあります。)

60分レッスン 71,280円

 ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

全16週間の料金(春期講習期間 4-7月の場合) 

60分レッスン     35,200 円
30分レッスンベビークラス 22,880円

60分レッスン 66,880 円 (週2回の場合は自分ができるレベルと、チャレンジなレベルの2つを選択してもらうことがあります。)

60分レッスン 95,040 円 (週3回の場合は自分ができるレベルと、チャレンジなレベルの2つ、プラスサイエンスクラスなどを選択してもらうことがあります。)

 ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

全17週間の料金(秋期講習期間 8-12月の場合) 

60分レッスン     37,400 円
30分レッスンベビークラス 24,310円

60分レッスン 71,060 円 (週2回の場合は自分ができるレベルと、チャレンジなレベルの2つを選択してもらうことがあります。

60分レッスン 100,980 円 (週3回の場合は自分ができるレベルと、チャレンジなレベルの2つと追加でサイエンスクラスや社会科のクラスなどを選択してもらうことがあります。)

 ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

*** 注意事項***


グループレッスン ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎月額制のお支払いの場合♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎


① 退会の場合:退会手続きは退会希望の月の前月の10日までになります。(例:10月分終了時に退会をご希望の場合、9月10日までに届出が必要になります。)

② 休会の場合:前月25日までに休会ご希望の月の休会届けが必須です。(例:9月分を休会される場合、8月25日までに届出が必要になります。)休会される月のレッスン代は既に振替が金融機関でかかっている場合、再会された月の分に相殺させていただきます。

施設費 6,600円 (施設費は秋期講習、冬期講習、春期講習の年3回にかかります。学期の初めの月が休会の場合でも学期の初月にかかります。)

定員6名 (ベビーのみ5名)


1回のレッスン60分 (未就園児、園児、小学生、中学生、高校生)

60分レッスン 13,464円 
(ベビークラス   10,296 円)

60分レッスン 25,344円

60分レッスン 35,640円

*** 注意事項***


After School(学童)1時間からの学童保育
After Schoolは学期制の生徒さんは学期ごとのご請求、月額制の生徒さんは月額でのご請求となります。通常の場合、学期制の生徒さんは学期全期間アフタースクールに在籍となります。学期制の生徒さんは学期中途中のアフタースクールの休会、又は退会はできません。月額制の生徒さんは月ごとにアフタースクールの休会と退会が可能です。休会、退会の手続きはグループレッスン月額制の規定と同じ期日までに行ってください。

1時間880円x学期の週 最小開講人数3名 募集人数10名まで (振替の人数は定員に入りません。)






火曜日17:30-18:30 レベル1−3対象


BOOK CLUB(旧名:テスト対策クラス)

読解ができ、Readingが好きになることが、テストでの対策となっていきます。テスト対策では日本人の苦手とする書く練習も含め、ゲームの時間を通してのスピーキング、文法、単語、読解、リスニングなどを行うことによって英語を語学として堪能に扱える力をつけていきます。ネイティブの先生が指導のため、全て英語での指導となります。小学生から高校生まで参加が可能です。個々のレベルに合わせて Raz-Kids(オンラインのデジタルブック)のご購読がご家庭からも可能となり、A-Z Readingから読解力を鍛え、単語力を習得していきます。教材はRaz-Kids/Reading A-Z を使用します。(学期ごとに購読料金1100円がかかります。IXLのアカウントも作成しており、ご家庭でアメリカやインターナショナルスクールの英語のクラスで使用されているカリキュラムを自分の隙間時間などで学習してもらうことが可能です。)



Raz-Kids アカウント代 1100円 (学期ごと)
60分レッスン 4950円 x学期の週
となります。個人レッスンの内容はカスタマイズが可能で、ご希望に沿って生徒さんのレベルに合うレッスンを行うことができます。達成可能な目標を先生と立てていきます。レッスン内容をGoogle Classroom 等にて共有していきます。IXLとGSAのアカウントも料金内で付帯されます。






NYC Schoolでは常に良い先生を募集しております。英語圏ネイティブ、またはネイティブ並みの英語力を備ている人材で基本担任制となっておりますが、先生本人の意向で学期途中でも先生が退任する場合、または先生が指導に向いていないとスクールにより判断される場合は先生が学期途中でも交代することがあります。また先生の体調が優れず、レッスンが当日指導できない場合はニュースレターに掲示いたします。対応としては他の先生が臨時で指導する、または交代の先生も指導できない場合は日本人スタッフが指導する、または他のクラスで振替をしていただく様になります。アフタースクールの場合は先生の変更は基本連絡はございません。


NYC Schoolではなるべく同年代の生徒さんが同レベルのクラスを受講できる様スケジュールを確定しておりますが、中には同じクラスでも学年が様々であったり、生徒さんのレベルが多少異なるクラスがあるのも現状です。レベルは入門から、0、1、2、3、4、5、6と分かれており、その他にもテスト対策クラス(ブッククラブ)に分かれております。学期毎にアセスメントが口頭テストと書くテストで行われ、普段のクラスの様子や発言力などによりお勧めのレベルを提案させていただいております。学期毎にクラスが編成されるため、その際にお勧めのクラスでのご登録を推奨しております。学期中でも生徒さんの方からレベルが合わないと思う場合は再度クラスの再編成をさせていただいたり、または先生が他のレベルを勧める場合は合うクラスをご提案させていただくことがあります。次のレベルに進むのをこだわるのではなく、少しチャレンジのクラスで英語に興味を持ち続けて生徒さん一人一人が向上できる様努めております。基本ネイティブの先生のみでの指導となりますが、必要に応じて日本人スタッフがアシスタントで入り日本語で説明する事もあります。日本語のスタッフのみの指導は今現在行っておりません。Tutorなどの補習が必要な場合、日本語付きでの指導を別途受付いたします。その場合はご相談お願いします。


Schoolでは毎年恒例のEaster, Halloween, Christmas Partyを部屋を借りて行っています。
GSAのご登録 (







Raz-Kidsの購読をご希望の生徒さんはBOOK CLUB以外の生徒さんも購読が可能です。NYCの生徒限定で、毎学期1100円でアカウントを作成いたします。本は読み放題になります。レベルに合わせてご自分で英語の本を読み進め、読み聞かせもしてもらえ、自分の声を録音できたり、読んだ内容の理解をチェックするためのクイズが各本にございます。ポイントを貯められ、ゲーム感覚で読み続けることができます。英語力を上達するには本の読み聞かせ、本を読むことは必須です。英語を本当に自分のものにして話せるようになりたい生徒さんにはお勧めの購読となっています。(スペイン語、フランス語もご希望であれば無料で追加できます。)

何かご質問がある方は 下のフォーム送信前に までお気軽にお問い合わせお願いいたします。




This is the application form for students enrolling in NYC School.

Please fill out separate forms for each sibling. Preschool students should use a different form.

⭐️ Current students do not need to submit the form. If there are any changes to your registration, please proceed with the registration change form.

The operation of the classroom will be in accordance with the terms and conditions for any reason, including natural disasters that are not the responsibility of the classroom. In the event of a natural disaster such as a typhoon causing the closure of the classroom, online lessons will be conducted. In cases where online lessons are deemed difficult due to weather conditions or radio interference, students will be asked to attend classes in other classes for makeup. By adopting a monthly payment system, there will be no carryover to the next term if school lessons are changed due to government requests such as a state of emergency during the semester. Please read the following before submitting the form.

After reading this form, please submit your desired class → A invoice containing the total amount, including lesson fees and textbook fees, will be sent to the email address you provided. The invoice will be sent using the accounting program freee. Some students may find the invoice in their spam folder or may not receive it due to their email settings. If you do not receive the invoice within one week after submitting the form, please contact us. We apologize, but we cannot confirm if you have not received it. → In addition, please submit a direct debit request form. (A one-time fee of 550 yen will be added for bank account direct debit maintenance fees. / For those who have not yet set up, you will be responsible for the transfer fee. However, we cannot guarantee a seat for the next term.)

For new enrollments, the payment deadline for bank transfers is within 2 weeks of application. Bank transfers are only required for the first payment. Please submit a direct debit request form when completing the enrollment procedure, and we will ask you to make payments via direct debit from the next payment onwards. Direct debit setup is mandatory when completing the enrollment procedure.

♦︎♦︎♦︎ Group Lesson Textbooks ♦︎♦︎♦︎

The textbooks for group lessons are as follows:

LOOK or Let's Go - Price varies from 2,220 yen (subject to change based on publisher's pricing).

LOOK is published by National Geographic. Let's Go is published by Oxford.

For Reading A-Z classes, no textbooks are provided. Instead, students will be signed up for a subscription to Raz-Kids digital books (1,100 yen per semester). In addition to this, classroom materials from Reading A-Z may also be used.

★★★★ Lesson Plan ★★★★

● Monthly Payment System (Higher lesson prices compared to semester-based pricing) The monthly payment system is recommended for students who: do not wish to transition to online classes in the event of a state of emergency, have long-term travel plans during the semester, are planning to move or have exams pending, making attendance difficult for the entire semester, or have upcoming family events such as childbirth that may make transportation difficult.

● Semester Payment System (Lower lesson prices) Lessons are pre-paid for the entire semester. There is no provision for suspension or refund of lessons mid-semester (No refunds for students on the semester system, even if they suspend or withdraw mid-semester. There will be no refunds for cancellations of lessons due to natural disasters, epidemic prevention measures, or any other reason, as lessons are canceled not under the responsibility of the classroom. Refunds will not be provided for any reason).

Lesson Fees (Including Facility Fees for All Classes):

Group Lessons ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ Payment on a Semester Basis ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ✳︎✳︎✳︎ Please note that for group lessons, you cannot choose classmates or customize lesson content.

All prices are inclusive of tax.

Class Capacity: 6 students (5 for baby classes) Lesson Fees: Facility Fee: 6,600 yen (The facility fee is charged three times a year for autumn, winter, and spring sessions.) (Baby Class: 30 minutes - 2,750 yen)

Prices for the session period are inclusive of tax and range from 12 to 17 weeks. There is no provision for suspension or refund of lessons mid-semester (No refunds for students on the semester system, even if they suspend or withdraw mid-semester. There will be no refunds for cancellations of lessons due to natural disasters, epidemic prevention measures, or any other reason, as lessons are canceled not under the responsibility of the classroom. Refunds will not be provided for any reason).

♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

12-week Session (Winter Term: January to March) Once a Week: 60-minute lesson: 26,400 yen 30-minute Baby Class: 17,160 yen

Twice a Week: 60-minute lesson: 50,160 yen (Students taking lessons twice a week may choose two levels: their current level and a challenging level.)

Three Times a Week: 60-minute lesson: 71,280 yen

♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

16-week Session (Spring Term: April to July) Once a Week: 60-minute lesson: 35,200 yen 30-minute Baby Class: 22,880 yen

Twice a Week: 60-minute lesson: 66,880 yen (Students taking lessons twice a week may choose two levels: their current level and a challenging level.)

Three Times a Week: 60-minute lesson: 95,040 yen (Students taking lessons three times a week may choose two levels: their current level, a challenging level, and additional classes such as science classes.)

♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎ ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎

17-week Session (Autumn Term: August to December)

Once a Week: 60-minute lesson: 37,400 yen 30-minute Baby Class: 24,310 yen

Twice a Week: 60-minute lesson: 71,060 yen (Students taking lessons twice a week may choose two levels: their current level and a challenging level.)

Three Times a Week: 60-minute lesson: 100,980 yen (Students taking lessons three times a week may choose two levels: their current level, a challenging level, and additional classes such as science classes.)

Important Notices

If you wish to withdraw from enrollment after joining, the submission of a withdrawal form is required. Upon submission of the withdrawal form, a receipt of withdrawal will be sent from the school. The withdrawal process will be considered complete upon receipt of the withdrawal acknowledgment. If the withdrawal form is not submitted by the deadline, the lessons for the following semester will be automatically renewed.

Once withdrawn, if you plan to take a break for the next semester or wish to re-enroll, a re-enrollment fee of ¥5,500 will be charged. In the case of re-enrollment from the middle of the next semester immediately after withdrawal, a re-enrollment fee of ¥3,300 will be charged. Withdrawal cancellations after the deadline will incur a processing fee of ¥1,100.

After School Care

For After School care, students enrolled under the semester system will be billed on a semester basis, while those under the monthly system will be billed monthly. Typically, students under the semester system will be enrolled in After School care for the entire semester. Students under the semester system cannot take breaks or withdraw from After School care mid-semester, while those under the monthly system can take breaks or withdraw monthly. Please complete the procedures for breaks or withdrawals by the same deadline as the monthly group lesson system.

Fee: ¥880 per hour x weeks in a semester Minimum Enrollment: 3 students Maximum Enrollment: Up to 10 students (Excess students for makeup classes are not included in the quota.)

Content: Activities such as art, science, music, dance, and storytelling will be conducted during the After School period. The content may vary depending on the assigned teacher. The instruction will be based on the expertise of the assigned teacher (e.g., music, art, dance). If there are less than 2 students, a Japanese bilingual teacher may be assigned. If there are 3 or more students, a native teacher will typically be assigned. In cases where the schedule of the native teacher cannot be adjusted on the day due to teacher's absence, bilingual staff may be assigned.

Students can also participate in After School care on other days. After School care is a class where students who have taken regular group lessons can enroll additionally for extracurricular English learning. (For students enrolled exclusively in After School care, the fee will be ¥1,870 per hour, tax included.)

Supplementary Classes (Single Payment)

For NYC students, supplementary classes are available. You can attend for ¥550 per hour, where bilingual teachers will use Japanese to help deepen your understanding of the content you are studying this semester. You can also participate in these classes as makeup lessons. During the one-hour supplementary class, there will also be time to play games with native teachers.

Tuesday 17:30-18:30 Targeted at levels 1-3

(In case of cancellation of supplementary classes, we will inform you via newsletter.)

BOOK CLUB (Formerly Test Prep Class)

Developing the ability to comprehend and enjoy reading will be the foundation for test preparation. In addition to addressing Japanese students' weaknesses in writing during test preparation, we will enhance English language proficiency through speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and games. As instruction will be provided by native teachers, all teaching will be conducted in English. Participation is open to elementary to high school students. Depending on individual levels, families can subscribe to Raz-Kids (an online digital book) from home, where they can improve reading comprehension and vocabulary from A-Z Reading. We use materials from Raz-Kids/Reading A-Z (, with a subscription fee of ¥1,100 per semester. Additionally, we have accounts on IXL (, allowing students to study curriculums used in American or international school English classes during their free time.

The Test Prep Class also offers preparation for tests other than Eiken, including TOEFL, according to your needs. If you prefer test preparation using past questions rather than reading books, please contact us, and we will accommodate your request.

Private Lessons

For those paying on a semester basis, the facility fee is ¥6,600 per semester, and the Raz-Kids account fee is ¥1,100 per semester. Private lessons cost ¥4,950 per hour, with classes scheduled weekly. Private lessons can be customized based on the student's level and preferences, and achievable goals will be set with the teacher. Lesson content will be shared via platforms like Google Classroom. Accounts on IXL and GSA are included in the fee.

Notification for Lesson Makeup

Regarding makeup lessons, notifications will continue to be sent via the form. However, since we need to manage the number of participants, makeup lessons cannot be provided for unexcused absences. Please inform us of absences via the designated form before the lesson. Makeup lessons must be completed within the same semester, and rescheduling makeup lessons is not allowed. Prior registration is required via the form for makeup lessons.

For each semester, up to six makeup lessons are allowed for missed classes. In the event of a state of emergency declaration, makeup lessons will be conducted online, with a limit of six makeup lessons. Only students continuing into the next semester can carry over makeup lessons up to three hours.

Changing classes mid-semester is free once per semester, except for classes already at full capacity. If attending the registered class becomes impossible, we recommend changing classes. Makeup participants are not included in the group lesson capacity, and classes with many makeup participants may exceed the capacity of six students. Classes where makeup is not possible will be notified by the school.

School Faculty

At NYC School, we are always looking for excellent teachers. Although we operate under the basic homeroom teacher system, teachers may be substituted mid-semester if requested by the teacher or if the school determines that the teacher is not suitable for instruction. If a teacher's health is not good and they are unable to teach on the day, we will announce it in the newsletter. In such cases, another teacher will provide temporary instruction, or if a substitute teacher is also unavailable, Japanese staff will provide instruction, or students will be offered makeup classes in other classes. In the case of After School care, there will generally be no notification of teacher changes.

Level Assessment Tests (Class Placement)

At NYC School, we aim for students of the same age to attend classes at the same level, but there may be variations in class composition, with students of different ages or slightly different levels in the same class. Levels range from introductory to 6, and there are also Test Prep Classes (Book Clubs). Assessments are conducted every semester through oral and written tests, and based on students' performance and participation in class, we recommend suitable levels. Classes are organized every semester, so we recommend registering for the recommended class at that time. If a student feels that the level is not suitable during the semester, we may reassess the class placement or recommend a different class. Rather than insisting on advancing to the next level, we strive for students to continue their interest in English in challenging classes where each student can improve. Instruction will primarily be provided by native teachers, but Japanese staff may assist with explanations as needed. Currently, instruction by Japanese staff alone is not provided. If tutoring or supplementary classes are required, instruction with Japanese support is available separately. Please consult us for details.


We hold annual Easter, Halloween, and Christmas Parties by renting rooms.

Registration for GSA (

NYC students can attend GSA's online ELA lessons up to five times a month free of charge during the enrolled semester. Each session is 25 minutes long and consists of individual lessons taught by native teachers. Since it is highly recommended for improving English proficiency, NYC students have the opportunity to take advantage of this service for free. If the free lesson limit is exceeded, additional lessons can be booked by adding coins. Each additional lesson costs ¥2,400 for every 100 coins. (Revision effective from May 17, 2021).

Once registration is complete, we will contact you from NYC. If you register directly from the GSA website, you will be registered as a regular GSA student, and a monthly fee will be charged. Please note that reservations made after withdrawing from NYC will incur fees. Free lessons are only available during the period of enrollment in NYC, so please be aware of this.

Textbooks from GSA will be sent using GSA's original curriculum materials. Although the materials are free, there is a shipping fee of approximately ¥500.

If you feel that the level is not suitable while attending GSA, you can directly consult with GSA from NYC for a re-evaluation. However, customization of GSA lessons is not available, so please be aware of this.

By utilizing both face-to-face lessons at NYC and online lessons at GSA, students can learn a wide range of English vocabulary while benefiting from good interaction in their studies.

Registration for Raz-Kids

Students who wish to subscribe to Raz-Kids can do so even if they are not in the BOOK CLUB. Available exclusively to NYC students, an account can be created for ¥1,100 per semester. With unlimited access to books, students can read English books at their level, listen to readings, record their voices, and take quizzes to check comprehension. Points can be accumulated, and students can continue reading like playing a game. Reading books and listening to readings are essential for improving English proficiency, making this subscription highly recommended for students who want to truly make English their own. (Spanish and French can also be added for free if desired.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at before submitting the form.

Regarding class selection, we generally consult with you after your first free trial group lesson. A trial lesson for private lessons is also available for ¥2,200 for 30 minutes, with a free textbook provided after the trial. The duration of private lessons can be discussed upon request.

If you wish to experience a trial lesson and have not yet visited the school, please contact us via the inquiry form at

Thank you very much.

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ご入会の規定に同意が必要となります。上記に記載されている文面にご入会の際は同意が必要となります。Agreement to the terms and conditions is required for enrollment. Consent is necessary for joining NYC School, as outlined in the information provided above. *
お申し込み区分 Category
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ご入会ご希望日程 (ご入会時のみ途中入会の場合、日割り計算が可能です。)
プランをご選択ください。Choose your plan
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生徒名前 英語表記でお願いします。Please write down the student's last name in English(last name, first name) *
生徒名前 (日本語でお願いします。姓、名)Please write down the student's name in Japanese (last name, first name)
性別 gender
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生年月日 DOB *
month, date, year  例) 1/31/2020  とご記入お願いします。
連絡先(緊急電話番号)Emergency Contact Number *
保護者氏名  Parents' names *
メールアドレス (アドレスは からのメールの受信を許可の状態でご利用ください。)Email address (please make sure the setting allows to receive email from school) *
住所 Home Address *
2024年4月時点での生徒さんの学年で当てはまる所にチェックをお願いします。As of April 2024, please choose the student's grade
先生は調整上変更になることがあります。なおグループレッスンで定員が1名のご登録の場合はレッスン時間が45分に変更になります。2024 Winter Schedule (If there is only 1 student registered in the hour, the class hour will be 45 minutes long instead of 60)
ご希望クラスの曜日 Preferred day
ご希望のクラスの時間帯  Desired time frame
ご希望のクラス(プレスクールは からお申し込みお願いいたします。)Desired class (If you want to sign up for the preschool, please use the link form) *
工作クラスを追加 (If you want to add 880 yen/hour after school program, please check here)
週2以上でお申し込みの方はカスタマイズとなりますので具体的に何曜日にどのクラスに来られるか、どの曜日にアフターを付けるかなどご記入お願いします。If you want to attend more than two days a week and customize your week, please specify here. 
クーポンコード (コードをお持ちの方はこちらにご記入お願いします。)Coupon code if you have one
英検のアンケートを行っていますのでご協力お願いします。英検クラスの生徒さんは必ずご記入お願いします。(生徒さん保有の級でお願いします。)Questionnaire: Please choose the level if you have obtained it. 
GSAの登録をご希望ですか?(開始時の対象年齢3/4歳〜中学生卒までになります。)NYCに在籍中は規定のコイン数(月3−5回レッスン)まで無料でご受講いただけるオンライン英会話レッスンです。先生とのLIVEレッスンになります。 *
Raz-KIdsの読み放題オーディオブックの購読をご希望ですか?英語の本がいろんなジャンルで好きなだけ読め、音読機能もあり、早く読める様になりたい生徒さんにはおすすめです。アメリカの小学校や日本のインターナショナルスクールでも広く取り入れられている教材です。(学期ごとに1100円の購読費がかかります。) *
英会話では教室の様子で写真を撮ったりすることがあります。パーティーやクラスの風景などでの写真はスクールのパンフレットやウェブサイトに掲載されることがあります。 *
お申し込みの方はご回答をお願いします。 *
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