Trans Ids survey
Hey! I'm conducting some research for my IB extended essay on Transableism and related identities. I'd super appreciate if you could fill out this survey as honestly as possible so I can reference the results in my essay. All answers are anonymous and any text answer questions are purely asked out of curiosity and will not be quoted unless you specify I can do so. No hate or judgement! This essay is not a persuasive piece, purely informative and educational. 
Do you identify as Transabled? *
Do you consider yourself to have Biid/Bid (body integrity identity disorder / body integrity disorder)? *
Do you identify as radqueer? *
How old are you/your body (physical age)? *
Do you identify as plural or part of a system?  *
If you do identify as plural or part of a system, how so *
Do you identify as a different age or transage? (If you have alters choose N/A) *
Are you also gender diverse? (if you have alters that identify as gender diverse please click yes) *
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