#iblog15 Registration Form
As this is a free event, please register if you are to attend #iBlog15. Please register only once.
Our cut-off for the badges will be at the 300th registrant.

We will not be publishing list of registrants, however, you can contact Janette Toral at http://twitter.com/digitalfilipino for any inquiry.
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Your name *
Please don't put alias or name of your blog.
Your blog web address *
If you already have a blog, please put your blog url here. If none, just give a social media profile URL. This will be included in your name badge details.
Email address *
We will contact you, only if necessary, if there will be changes about the event.
Contact number *
If you want us to contact you, only if necessary, if there will be changes about this event through text message.
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