Decolonize Un-Conference Registration Form
Please wait to fill out this form until you are sure you can attend the Decolonize Un-Conference in Chicago on November 9th and 10th at Que4Radio in Humboldt Park (wheelchair accessible). You do not have to attend both days in full, but we highly encourage you to due to the nature of the space we are trying to create. If you have any questions about the event, form, or need accommodations to attend you may contact KR (they/he) at

The Decolonize Un-Conference is a space for advocates and activists of the global majority to (un)learn, heal, and cultivate community through acknowledging the personal, local, and national impacts of colonization. Topics vary from city to city, and have included race, anti-blackness, anti-indigeneity, the gender binary, art as activism, relationship to land and animals, food, body image, mental health, navigating academia, language, and spirituality. The un-conference is currently in English only. We are hoping to be able to offer un-conferences in Spanish and other languages in the future.

Only people of color may attend this event. White allies are encouraged to support by volunteering and making a donation/reparation. All ages and experience levels are welcome, and childcare can be provided. We ask that everyone who fills out this registration form do their best to attend the entire event on both Saturday & Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. This event is free, and we provide free lunch, snacks, and water on both days.
Email Address
Name *
Pronouns *
Race/Ethnicity *
Do you live in or near Chicago? *
Which day(s) will you be attending? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If you need childcare, how old is/are your kid(s)?
Do you need a carpool, or can you provide one?
What do you hope to gain or experience in this space?
What is your background/experience with advocacy and activism, if any?
If you are interested in being a speaker/panelist/workshop guide, please select a category where it would fit best:
For interested speakers/guides, do you identify as any of the following?
Thank you!
Thank you for registering! Please keep an eye on your email for important updates and information. You can share this event with your friends, family, and networks with the links below.



Instagram: @decolonizeunconference
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