North East Deaf Youth Theatre: Registration Form
Unfolding Theatre and Turtléar are excited to present our North East Deaf Youth Theatre sessions.

Privacy Notice:
Your privacy is very important and we manage the data you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available at

Unfolding Theatre and Turtléar will have access to the information that you provide on this form for the purposes of this project. The above information will be safely stored by Unfolding Theatre and will be held in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

The data provided on this form will be:
-Held and processed by Unfolding Theatre for the duration of the project or up to five years, whichever is longer
-Stored in a lockable draw and on password protected devices
-Used for monitoring and evaluation purposes and to update funders and partners on the impact of this project

Please note: consent can be withdrawn at any time and you are welcome to ask us to delete your data. Material used in press will not be able to be recalled once published.

By completing this form, you are indicating that you are happy for your child to take part in this activity and give your consent for Unfolding Theatre to handle their data as outlined above.

If you would like to withdraw consent or delete data, please contact Michael Barrass, Executive Producer on or 0191 580 4901.
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