Woman Within® Level 2 Workshop - Participant Registration
Thank you for your interest in the Woman Within Level 2: Archetypes of the Castle workshop in Dickinson TX the week of March 11-15, 2020. We have reached our maximum participant capacity. We would be happy to add your name to the wait list should a space become available. Please contact the workshop Administrator directly at WWL2Admin@WomanWithin.org to express your desire to be added to our wait list. Thank you!

Our next WW Level 2 workshop in the USA will take place in Camp Meeker CA the week of November 18-22, 2020. Perhaps that date and location would be of interest to you. If yes, please go to Waiting list to add your name. As soon as we have confirmed pricing based on a signed contract with the facility we will be ready to open up registrations. Hopefully that will be within the next few weeks!

Waiting list link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuFabtXR7ZFRMYG2h57R2BV973D4t91CMDUsxcVapcgZCZYA/viewform

Thank you for your interest in our programming!
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