Social Networks of new Amsterdam citizens
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Inquiry for research about social networks of new 'Amsterdammers'

This inquiry is only intended for people living in Amsterdam.
The questionnaire is strictly anonymous, which means that: no data, outside the questionnaire, of the person completing the questionnaire is stored or otherwise processed in any way.
An English version is also available.
The questionnaire in part of the 'Amsterdam Sorting Machine' study. This research focuses on people who come to live in Amsterdam and / or become adults here, with the question: can they continue to live in Amsterdam? We believe that building a strong social network in Amsterdam is an important factor in wanting to and being able to continue living in Amsterdam. The questionnaire is intended to investigate this further.
We mainly focus on young people (up to and including 27 years), because this group forms the vast majority of the new Amsterdammers.
The questionnaire is distributed in various ways, such as within complexes with youth housing, education and other networks of young people.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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