ROAR Studios Project Submission Form
To have your documentary film, multi-episode podcast or one-off audio story project considered for production by ROAR Studios, please fill out the following submission form. If you have any questions, please reach out to Director of Student Media Tom Nelson ( and Assistant Director of Student Media Kevin O'Keeffe (kevin.o'
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Name: *
Email: *
Phone number: *
Please submit a treatment for this project. What are you hoping to cover in this documentary/audio story/podcast? What sources will you speak to? What will the final product look like in terms of style, length, etc.? (This treatment should be no longer than 750 words.)
Describe the equipment you'll need for this project. Be specific about both what exactly what you already possess, what you'll need and also for what durations of time you'll need them for. *
Describe the personnel you'll need for this project. Be specific about both what roles you'll need to fill, if you have anyone in mind for any of the roles, and also for what durations of time you'll need them for. *
Will this project require travel? If so, to where and for how long?
By submitting this form, you agree to permit ROAR Studios to review your proposal and, if there is interest in producing it, reach out to you for further consultation. You understand that there is no guarantee to have your documentary produced, but that if your project is chosen to move forward, you will be committed to working on it in concert with ROAR Studios.
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