ASCP Fall 2023 Zoom Book Club Sign-Up
Join the academic sub-committee of the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program (ASCP) as they host the sixth Environmental Justice Zoom Book Club. We've selected Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice in LA by Nadia Kim (Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M). Kim tells the stories of a grassroots environmental justice movement fighting toxic pollution in their neighborhood near shipyard oil refineries in LA. The activists--"predominated by Asian and undocumented Latin@ women" per Kim's description--"have developed creative, unconventional, and loving ways to support and protect one another." Read more about the book on Kim's page: 

As in our 6 prior book clubs, we will strive to create a dialogic space of deep listening. We will recognize that participants are likely affected in different ways and with different intensities, by environmental racism; and that participants are likely to have different access to, and experience with, legacies of racism and injustice. We will prioritize in each session conversations about what each of us might do next, individually and collectively, to be responsive to environmental racism and creative toward environmental justice.

Our sessions are scheduled for Mondays from 6:30-7:45pm on following dates/times (we will email a Zoom link and password within 3 days of session 1 to all who complete the form below):

9.25: Introduction, Chapters 1, 2
10.9: Chapters 3, 4
10.23: Chapters 5, 6
11.6: Chapter 7, Afterword

Questions? Thoughts? Email Christina Foust (Professor of Communication Studies at MSU-Denver) at 

Name *
Email *
Preferred Pronouns *
Brief Bio (please share your institutional or organizational affiliation or role, your interests in social justice or sustainability, etc.). *
Hopes/Goals for Book Club (feel free to share your intentions for joining this book club, and how you might contribute to the space)
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