Content Creator Information
We're heading into the festive season and we know how many brands you are approached by. In order for us to ensure we engage with you for relevant campaigns, invites to events or trade exchanges we would love to get some details from you that we may not have on hand. 

Please don't feel obliged to complete but as an agency we would really appreciate having as many details as possible to avoid wasting your time.

Thanking you in advance, the Tin Can PR team.
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Instagram Handle / Profile Link
Where are you based? (region)
Delivery address
Contact number
What content do you focus on?
Do you have children?
How many kids do you have?
What are the ages of your children?
Are you interested in trade exchanges?
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What is the value of trade exchange you require for a grid post?
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What is the value of trade exchange you require for a reel?
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Are you interested in traveling for events if costs are covered by brand?
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On average how many unboxing drops are sent to you each month?
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