Are you a parent with an inspiring story of overcoming a difficult situation with your parenting life or your journey of becoming a parent? Do you have a journey of transformation, of hope for other parents or parents to (hopefully) be? If so, you will be a WOW MOM, WOW DAD or WOW parent (for gender non conforming parents) and we will publish your story in the website and social media. Some parents will be invited for a live interview on Instagram and or to share their story in person in one of the upcoming circles
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Can you write in a summary (500 words or an A4 maximum) about what was your situation with regards to parenting or your journey towards becoming a parent (what was the struggle, the difficulty you were confronted with), how it made you feel as a parent, what you did to overcome it (or you are doing to overcome it), and how the situation is now, how do you feel now?/ OR Just to give an example: What is that you decided to change or do different from the previous generation, from how you were parented, or what your society wanted you to be as a parent?  *
Do you have other WOW parents you want to nominate? Share their emails with us below
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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