Quote Form - Kelly Fales Goofy Getaways
I'm so excited to help you start planning your next trip!  Please complete this form and I will follow up with you within 24 hours.
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Email *
Your first and last name: *
Email address: *
Phone number: *
Where would you like to travel? *
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
Are your dates flexible?  If so, please list some estimated travel dates below. If your dates are firm, you can skip this question.
How many adults (18+) will be in your party? *
If you will be traveling with children, please list their ages AT THE TIME OF TRAVEL:

Please enter n/a if you are traveling without children.  Having the correct age at the time of travel is important for accurate pricing.
Resort preference? Or for a cruise, destination preference?

Please list any resorts you might be interested in. If you don't know or have no preference, please enter n/a.  If you'd like a deluxe resort, moderate, value, etc. you can enter that information here.
What is your budget/ideal price range? *
Do you qualify for any of the following discounts?

Please select all that apply to you or any member of your travel party:
Is there anything else you'd like me to know about your trip that would help me create a better quote for you?
Some examples of things you might want to include would be if you need an accessible room, if you're celebrating anything special on this trip, if you need multiple rooms, or are traveling with someone with special needs.  This is optional, but feel free to share as much as you'd like!
Were you referred by anyone?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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