Malaysia Drone Technology Festival (#MyDroneTechFest) 2020 Initiative aims to advocate the growth of Malaysia’s DroneTech industry and high potential companies by advocating forward-looking policies, building collaborative ecosystems, and connecting relevant communities, and facilitating growth program.
1. #MyDroneTechFest 2020 x Technology Park Malaysia (TPM) - OPEN SESSION
Dates: 25/11/2020

Objective: Promotion of Malaysia’s DroneTech Ecosystem by advocating and sharing local regulations as well as showcasing local DroneTech companies' products and solutions.

2. #MyDroneTechFest 2020 x MIGHT Technomart (MyDroneTech Roundtable) - LIMITED SEATS
Dates: 27/11/2020

Objective: Promotion of Malaysia’s DroneTech Ecosystem by advocating & showcasing local DroneTech companies products & solutions to relevant local clients and stakeholders. This platform is also to highlight solutions, best practices, recommendations to the relevant ministry, and agencies to further improve the industries adopting Drone Technology. (3 industry group discussions - Infrastructure & Construction, Agriculture & Plantation, and Energy/Telco/O&G.)

Register now! - 

We will keep you updated on the details and webinar links soon!

#MyDroneTechFest - 

Note: If you are interested to be part of MyDroneTech Ecosystem, go to and complete the survey (prompted)
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Attending MyDroneTech Fest 2020 x Technology Park Malaysia (TPM) on 25/11/2020 *
Attending MyDroneTech Fest 2020 x MIGHT Technomart (MyDroneTech Roundtable) on 27/11/2020 *
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