KBN Volunteer Time Tracking Form
This form is to be used by all WSU Beach Naturalist volunteers.  Please log all hours to the best of your ability, and be sure to include travel time to and from the location(s) where you volunteer.  This reporting system does not permit you to view your own record, but you can reach out to Sharon at sharon.pegany@wsu.edu for a copy of your current record.  Thank you so much for logging  your hours. The data you provide helps to ensure the continuation of the Kitsap Beach Naturalist Program.  Happy volunteering!
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Stewardship hours must be reported within 1 year of the completion of the end of the Beach Naturalist training.  All Beach Naturalist alumni are encouraged to continue reporting, and will be rewarded through quarterly stewardship hour raffles.    
Volunteer Name (First and Last) *
Please make sure to write your full name! It should be first name followed by your last name. If you do not want to share your first name, please just use your first initial.
When did you INITIALLY complete Beach Naturalists training?
Please check all that apply. Should only include your first Beach Naturalist training.
Volunteered Month *
We use this to create your monthly reports.
Date *
What day did you volunteer?
What time did you begin? *
What time did you end? *
Hours *
Please round to the nearest .25 increment. Ex. 3.25 instead of 3 hours and 15 minutes.This includes travel time, set-up and take down time, and time spend actively volunteering.
Organization *
Organization: If you answered "Other", please specify.
Location *
Location: If you answered "Other", please specify.
Please enter as: City, State (ex. Seattle, WA)
Please select the volunteer category that best describes what you did. Examples are outlined below. *
Captionless Image
Did you engage with others in the community by volunteering? Please estimate the number of adult contacts.
This is the number of community members you shared information with, excluding other volunteers. If you are reporting hours from a Beach Exploration, you do not need to report contacts.  The beach lead will report that number for the group. For other events, If you didn't come in contact with any other people, please enter 0. 
Did you engage with others in the community by volunteering? Please estimate the number of children contacts.
If you didn't come in contact with any other people, please enter 0.
Please briefly describe what your volunteer hours involved.
Thank you for logging your hours! Feel free to contact Sharon at sharon.pegany@wsu.edu if you have any questions.
This information is used to measure our programs' effect on stewardship in our community. If you have any questions feel free to contact us!
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