Unlearning Eastern Europe: Emerging Curators' Platform 2023 | OPEN CALL

Recently, the Eastern European region has become of interest to an increasingly broader field of the contemporary art scene, with the realization that narratives that have been left on the margins for a long time hold great potential and experiences to learn from. Against the backdrop of current events and geopolitical turmoil, "Unlearning Eastern Europe: Emerging Curators' Platform" invites a topical rethinking of issues specific to the (Eastern European) region, from the traumas of the historical past and the possibilities of decolonisation, to the politics of memory, resistance to imperialism and strategies of activism.

The "Unlearning Eastern Europe: Emerging Curators' Platform" aims to showcase the practices and projects of emerging curators and art researchers working in the field of contemporary art, with a particular focus on their socio-political aspects and networking opportunities. The participating emerging curators and cultural professionals are invited to explore the various socio-political contexts and possible activations of new scenarios in the Eastern European region, to link their curatorial and artistic practices to activism, and to strive for social change. The project aims to create a supportive space for critical discourse, the presentation of curatorial research, its publicity and discussion, involving and activating local artists, students, activists, academics and other urban actors.

Emerging curators and art researchers from Ukraine and Lithuania are invited to participate and present their research and projects in the programme. 4 participants will be selected (2 from Lithuania and 2 from Ukraine), and will be invited for a up to 10 days visit in Kaunas, Lithuania. Depending on the area of interest/research, each selected curator will be offered a mentor who will help them to develop their research and prepare for the presentation. The programme will end with a public symposium-presentation of the selected curators' research at the Kaunas Artists' House (expected date: 24/25 November).

Applications are accepted until 2023 November 5, 23:59 (Lithuanian time).

The selected participants are invited to stay in Kaunas from 20-29 November 2023.

The project's working language is English.

Selected participants will be provided with:

  • Accommodation in Kaunas (20-29 November 2023)
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses

  • Mentoring (2-3 sessions)

  • Visits/meetings with local curators, artists, cultural and artistic institutions and initiatives in Kaunas and Vilnius.

  • Opportunity to present their research/practice during a public event at Kaunas Artists' House (expected date: 24/25 November).

The program is curated by Edvinas Grinkevičius

The project "Unlearning Eastern Europe: Emerging Curators' Platform" is financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. 

The project is organized by Kaunas Artists' House.

Information partner of the project: VšĮ "Artnews.lt"

If you have any questions, please get in touch with edvinas@kmn.lt

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Please confirm if you will be available to participate in the programme for the period of 20-29 November (if not, specify which dates you won't be available)
Please upload to wetransfer.com:
~ Current CV in PDF format
~ Portfolio of 3-5 selected projects collected in one PDF file with size no larger than 10 MB
~ Motivational letter / why I am applying for this programme / how I will approach the programme / what topic i would like to research/present (500 words maximum) (PDF or Doc)

wetransfer.com download link:
Wetransfer download expiry date:
Note: please ensure link has not expired before 7 November 2023 - if you experience any issues with this date please contact us on edvinas@kmn.lt
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