San Diego DSA Child Watch Sign-in Form
If you're dropping off your child at DSA's Child Watch, please completely fill out this form!

To access our Child Watch Information Sheet, please click on the following link (

Required form: To access our Child Watch Liability Form, please click on the following link (
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name *
How many children will be attending? *
Child's Name(s) and Age(s) *
What month(s) are they planning to attend? (e.g., monthly, September only, not sure yet) *
Phone Number *
Please provide an emergency contact (other than yourself). *
Does your child have an allergies? If so, what are they? *
Please provide any additional information about your child that would be helpful for us to know. (For example, whether or not they are toilet trained, if they have any nonsense words with specific meanings, if they have restrictions on technology use, etc.)
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