2023 Mesa Verde Middle School Eagle Envelope Feedback 

The Mesa Verde Middle School Foundation relies on your generous donations to continue to be one of  the best schools for our children in the Poway Unified School District and in California. While PUSD offers many wonderful resources, the budget provided to Mesa Verde does not provide enough resources to fund all of our school needs. The MVMS Foundation uses your donations to provide funding to Teachers, Staff, School Facilities, Student Clubs, Health and Safety Initiatives, and the Associated Student Body (ASB).

During the 2023 Eagle Envelope campaign we collected $87,890 and 43% of students participated. This was below our goal of $100,00 or 50% participation.

We would like to learn more about how to make our Eagle Envelope campaign successful in the future. We would greatly appreciate your feedback in shaping our future campaigns.

Answers are confidential and there is no collection of emails on this survey. You may provide your email address if you wish to be contacted, but this is optional.

Participation in this survey is voluntary

Thank you for your time and support, 

Your Mesa Verde Foundation Executive Board

Did you donate to the Eagle Envelope Fundraiser this year?
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If you DID donate, what was the main reason you donated?
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If you DID NOT donate, what was the main reason you did not donate?  Check all that apply.
Did the timing of the Fundraiser affect your ability to donate?
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Did your Mesa Verde student bring home paperwork and a purple envelope that they received at school? *
If you donated, did you donate online or via cash/check?
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Did you participate in company matching?
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Was it clear that ANY donation amount would count towards the school participation goal for the whole school prize of a Purple Party?
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What would motivate you to donate to the MVMS Eagle Envelope Fundraiser in the Future?
Did you think the suggested donation amount was appropriate?
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What would you suggest to make our Eagle Envelope campaign more successful in the future to better fund Mesa Verde as a whole?
If you would like to provide your email address for further communication, please add it here
If you or your business would be interested in Mesa Verde sponsorship opportunities, please visit https://forms.gle/3kWj9Q3CTRS4fgQi8 or contact auction@mvmsfoundation.org
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