Online Exam - Beginner English CERF
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Choose one of the options. *
Part 1 : Matching (10 points)

Chose 1 (a to j) that matches each question.

pilih 1 (a sampai j) yang cocok dengan setiap pertanyaan.
Captionless Image
1. Where’s the Acropolis?
2. What’s your name?
3. How old is Graham?
4. Where are they from?
5. How are the children?
Captionless Image
6. What’s your job?
7. Are they married?
8. How much is an orange juice?
9. Is she Spanish?
10. Are you at university?
Part 2 : a/an (5 points)

Complete the sentences with a or an
11. She's _____ actress *
12. He's _____ businessman. *
13. He has _____ daughter called Ruby. *
14. I'm _____ English teacher. *
15. He works in _____ Italian restaurant. *
Part 3 : Time Expression in/on/at (6 points)
16. I don't go to school _____ Saturday. *
17. She starts work _____ eight o'clock. *
18. We usually have lunch _____ the afternoon. *
19. I was born _____ 1989. *
20. My birthday is _____ the 15th of September. *
21. My father always arrives home _____ night. *
Part 4: Making Questions (6 points)
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

married she is
Is she married?


1. Awali kalimat Anda dengan huruf kapital.

you go to school. (salah)
You go to school. (benar)

2. Jangan lupa tanda tanya (?) di akhir kalimat.
22. children old are how your *
23. number her what is phone *
24. flat London is in your *
25. brother home your is at *
26. the much sandwiches how are *
27. name is your what first *
Part 5: Present Simple Positive (6 points)
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

Jawab pertanyaan dengan cukup menulis 1 kata dari kotak, dengan bentuk kata kerja yang benar.
28. She ... tennis every day. *
29. My daughter ... French and German. *
30. His father’s a pilot. He ... all over the world. *
31. The travellers ... in hotels. *
32. Stephanie ... to work by bus. *
33. I ... from Australia. *
Part 6: Present Simple Negative (6 points)
Write negative sentences.

I / not like skiing.

I don’t like skiing. (correct)
I do not like skiing. (correct)

1. Awali kalimat Anda dengan huruf kapital.

you go to school. (salah)
You go to school. (benar)

2. Jangan lupa tanda titik (.) di akhir kalimat.

34. They / not live / in Scotland. *
35. He / not write / letters every day. *
36. We / not have / a car. *
37. Eric and Lina / not like / getting up early. *
38. Rachel / not smoke. *
39. It / not cost 50. *
Part 7: Present Simple Questions (7 points)

Choose the best questions for these answers.

40. He works in a language school. *
41. They get up at 6:30. *
42. She speaks Spanish and Portuguese. *
43. I live in Manchester. *
44. We finish school at 4.00 *
45. I work in a bank. *
46. She has coffee and toast. *
Part 8: Auxiliary Verbs (8 points)

Choose the best auxiliary verb that fits into each gap.
47. He’s a vegetarian. He … eat meat. *
48. She doesn’t want a pizza. She ... hungry. *
49. ... you know her name? *
50. I don’t know where they are from, but they ... Americans. *
51. We ... want to go to London *
52. I don’t think the bank ... open today. *
53. ... Stephanie know where the meeting is? *
54. Where ... Chris and Mike? They aren’t usually late for work. *
Part 9: Past Simple (12 points)

Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Simple.
(Ubah bentuk kata kerja yang ada di dalam kurun ke bentuk ke-2.)

I _______ (start) school when I was four.
started (correct)

I _______ (lose) my umbrella last week.
lost (correct)

I [55] _______ (work) until 8.00, *
and then I [56] _______ (meet) some friends *
and we [57] _______ (go) to the cinema. *
She [58] _______  (sell) her old car *
and [59] _______ (buy) a new one. *
I [60] _______ (play) tennis in the morning, *
but it [61] _______  (rain) in the afternoon *
so I [62] _______ (study) for my exams. *
Last week we [63] _______  (drive) to Edinburgh *
and [64] _______  (visit) our grandparents. *
He [65] _______ (retire) *
and [66] _______ (move) to the country. *
Part 10: Past Simple Negative (5 points)
Choose the best answer!
67. He _____ to Thailand. *
68. We _____ at home yesterday. *
69. Dickens _____ sixteen novels. *
70. I _____ you a present. *
71. She _____ a week in the Alps. *
Part 11: Past Simple Questions (4 points)

 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
(Susun kata-kata ini untuk membentuk pertanyaan yang benar.)

you school when leave did

When did you leave school? (correct)

1. Awali kalimat Anda dengan huruf kapital.

you go to school. (salah)
You go to school. (benar)

2. Jangan lupa tanda tanya (?) di akhir kalimat.
72. you were where born *
73. morning at you were 10.00 yesterday where *
74. time bed did to last go night what you *
75. last a restaurant week did eat you in *
Part 12: Present Continuous Positive and Negative (5 points)

Put the verb is brackets into the Present Continuous.

We can’t go climbing. It _____. (rain)

is raining (correct)

You _____ photos. (not take)

are not taking (correct)
aren’t taking (correct)

76. Oh no! The video _____. (not work) *
77. We _____ today, we’re tired. (not swim) *
78. OK, wait a minute, I _____ now. (get up) *
79. Matthew and Lydia _____ dinner for twelve people! (not cook) *
80. Jennifer can’t go out. She _____ for the exam. (study) *
Part 13: Present Continuous Questions (5 points)
Choose the correct questions!
81. *
82. *
83. *
84. *
85. *
Part 14: Simple Future: to be going to (negatives) (5 points)

Read the sentences about the past. Make negative sentences about the future.

(Buat kalimat negatif untuk future plan.)

He bought you lunch yesterday. ______ [today].

He's not going to buy you lunch today. (correct)
He is not going to buy you lunch today. (correct)

1. Awali kalimat Anda dengan huruf kapital.

you go to school. (salah)
You go to school. (benar)

2. Gunakan keterangan waktu yang tersedia di dalam kurun [ ] untuk melengkapi jawaban Anda.

3. Jangan lupa tanda titik (.) di akhir kalimat.
86. She swam two miles yesterday. ____ [tomorrow]. *
87. They caught the bus last week. ____ [next week]. *
88. It snowed last Christmas. ____ [this Christmas]. *
89. I had a big breakfast yesterday. ____ [tomorrow morning]. *
90. Liam and Elton made lots of money last month. ____ [this month]. *
Part 15: Correcting Mistakes (5 points)

Each question has a mistake. Find it and correct it.
(Setiap pertanyaan memiliki satu kesalahan. Temukan kesalahan dan perbaiki.)

Are you like swimming?
Do you like swimming? (correct)

1. Awali kalimat Anda dengan huruf kapital.

you go to school. (salah)
You go to school. (benar)

2. Jangan lupa tanda tanya (?) di akhir kalimat.

91. Did he went to Spain last year? *
92. Do you have got much money? *
93. She was here yesterday? *
94. Do he smoke? *
95. Were they go swimming yesterday? *
Part 16: What does she do? (16 points)

Put a right form of the verb from the box into each gap.
(Letakkan bentuk kata kerja yang tepat dari kotak di setiap bagian yang rumpang.)
she [96] __________ malaria at the university. *
Every day she [97] __________ at 6.30 *
and [98] __________ three cups of coffee. *
She [99] __________  anything for breakfast. *
She [100] __________ work in her laboratory at 7.00, *
and she [101] __________  until lunchtime. *
Then she [102] __________ for a short walk in the park. *
She usually [103] __________ work at 6.00 p.m. *
but sometimes she [104] __________ until 10.00 p.m. *
In the evening she often [105] __________ in a restaurant, *
because she [106] __________ cooking. *
Every winter she and her husband [107] __________ to Kenya, *
where they [108] __________ an African malaria laboratory. *
They [109] __________ in a friend’s house for two weeks. *
They never [110] __________ to go back to Oxford, *
because they [111] __________ hot weather *
Part 17: Family (11 points)

Chose the right answer!
112. James is Mike’s ______. *
113. Karen is Charlie’s ______. *
114. Ellen is Mike’s ______. *
115. Charlie is Mike’s ______. *
116. Charlie is Fay’s ______. *
117. Karen is Ellen’s ______. *
118. Ellen is Karen’s ______. *
119. Fay is Charlie’s ______. *
120. George is Alice’s ______. *
121. Mike is Charlie’s ______. *
122. James is Karen’s ______. *
Part 18: Possessive Adjectives  (5 points)

Complete the sentences with possessive adj
123. A: Pete! This is ________ sister, Alice. B: Hi, Alice. Nice to meet you. *
124. Anna is 23. ________ mother is a nurse. *
125. Mr and Mrs Jones live here.  ________ children are very nice. *
126 All students in our class like ________ teacher. *
127. Tom is Married. ________ wife’s name is Josie. *
Part 19: Telling the time  (6 points)

Choose the best option that describe the time.
128. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
129. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
130. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
131. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
132. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
133. What time is it? *
Captionless Image
Part 20: some/any  (7 points)

Complete the sentences with some or any.

134. I don’t have _____ money on me. *
135. But I have _____ money in the bank. *
136. Are there _____ letters for me this morning? *
137. I never have _____ breakfast. *
138. I need to buy _____ bread. *
139. Do you have _____ brother and sister? *
140. I’d like _____ cheese. Is there any in the fridge? *
Part 21: How much ...? / How many ...?  (5 points)

Complete the sentences with How much or How many

141. __________ students are there in your class? *
142. __________ money do you get? *
143. __________ people live in your house? *
144. __________ languages can you speak? *
145. __________ coffee do you drink a day? *
Part 22: Comparative Adjectives   (6 points)

Write the comparative adjectives from the box into the gaps.
146. Peter’s car is £2000. It is ________ than Ann’s car. *
147. Ann’s car is very comfortable. It’s ________ than Peter’s car. *
148. Peter’s car is very old. Ann’s car is ________ than Peter’s car. *
149. The house isn’t small. It’s ________ than the flat. *
150. The house is not cheap. It’s ________ than the flat. *
151. The flat is ________  to the town centre. *
Part 23: Present Perfect (5 points)
Put the words in the correct order to make questions / negative.


You haven't started working. (benar)
Have you started working? (benar)

2. Jangan lupa tanda titik (.) atau tanda tanya (?) di akhir kalimat.
152. USA has Angela to the been (?) *
153. eaten food hasn’t Frank Thai (-) *
154. seen the you have Queen (?) *
155. her ever key has she lost (?) *
156. have champagne never I drunk. (-) *
Part 24: 📖  Reading 1 (9 points)

Read the passage and decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

The Eurostar train driver
157. He works five days a week. *
158. He never works at weekends. *
159. Eurostar trains run 365 days a year. *
160. The first train to Paris leaves before 5.00 a.m. *
161. He does several journeys every day. *
162. Brian starts work very early every day. *
163. He always goes home in the evening. *
164. Brian speaks good French. *
165. He goes to France on holiday. *
Part 25: 📖   Reading 2 ( points)

Read the passage and answer the questions.
Burj Khalifa
166. How long did it take to build the tower? *
167. What is on the 76th floor? *
168. Is Taipei 101 taller than Burj Khalifa? *
 169. Who is Bill Baker? *
170. What is the most difficult problem? *
171. How many people live and work there? *
172. Is it hotter at the top or at the bottom? *
Part 26: 📖   Reading 3 (6 points)

Read the passage and answer the questions.
173. Where was she born? *
174. When was she born? *
175. Who was Philippe Curtius? *
176. What could Philippe Curtius do? *
177. Were Marie and her mother in Paris in 1766? *
178. In 1780s, did Marie work on the wax modellings alone? *
Part 27: 🎧  Listening 1 (5 points)

Complete the sentences with numbers.

Cukup menulis angka saja!
179. They’re £ _____ each. *
180. I only earn £ _____ a year. *
181. £ _____. *
182. Sure. That’s $ _____. *
183. It’s _____ euros. *
Part 28: 🎧  Listening 2 (8 points)

Listen and complete the sentences that you hear from the audio.

184. Can I ________ an espresso, and a medium latte, please? *
185. Yes, ________. To go or have here? *
186. Could you ________ the door for me, please? *
187. Sure. No ________. *
188. Thanks. That’s very ________. *
189. Yes, it is sir. ________ thanks. *
190. Could you ________ me some advice? *
191. I need some allergy pills, but I ________ what sort. *
Part 29: 🎧  Listening 3 (9 points)

Listen and omplete the sentences with the words related to the weather.
(Simak dan lengkapi dengan kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan cuaca.)

192. Well, at the moment there’s some wet and ________ weather over the UK and Scandinavia. *
193. But it’s ________ in London, more like 18 degrees. *
194. Further east, it’s cold and ________ in Moscow. *
195. To the south it’s bit ________, 23 degrees in Budapest. *
196. So 26 degrees in Rome, but it’s going to be cloudy and ________ across the north of Italy. *
197. In northern Turkey, there’s some ______   ______. *
198. France is going to be cool and cloudy in the north, 20 degrees in Paris but much warmer and ________ in the south. *
199. The rest of the Mediterranean is going to be warm and ________, too. *
200. Portugal and Spain will see plenty of late summer ________. *
Jika sertifikat belum saya kirim setelah seminggu Anda ikut test, hubungi saya lewat WA +36 30 852 4900
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