Steve Harrington Big Bang Mailing List
This is NOT a sign up, but rather to receive an email when sign ups open so you don't miss it! Sign Ups will be opening 2025. 
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Are you over 18 now? *
This is not an 18+ event, but we do have systems in place to keep everyone safe as they participate in this event! 
If no, will you be 18 by April 4, 2025? *
Again, this is not an 18+ event so all are welcome to join. This is just to make sure that you are accounted for properly to ensure both minors and adults safety and peace of mind during the event. 
Will you be signing up as an author? *
You can sign up as multiple roles! This is separated to help with our projections and interest levels. 
Will you be signing up as an artist? *
You can sign up as multiple roles! This is separated to help with our projections and interest levels. 
Will you be signing up as an beta? *
You can sign up as multiple roles! This is separated to help with our projections and interest levels. 
Will you be signing up as an pinch hitter? *
You can sign up as multiple roles! This is separated to help with our projections and interest levels. 
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