Zapraszamy do udziału w szkolnym quizie POP CULTURE. Sprawdź swoją wiedzę! Test składa się z 20 pytań. Good luck!
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1. Who is the author of songs "Shape of you" and "Perfect"?
2. Finish the chorus of the song "Lieblingsmensch" by Namika: Hallo, Lieblingsmensch! Ein Riesenkompliment dafür, dass du mich so gut kennst. ...
3. Who is the author of the song "Havana"?
4. Who sings the songs "New Rules", "Be The One"?
5. Who sings the songs "Uptown Funk", "The Lazy Song"?
6. Among the names given below a footballer is:
7. Which band is the author of the songs "Sugar", "Memories"?
8. Sia is the author of the songs:
9. In which country was Alvaro Soler born?
10. Who sings this song and what is its title? "Hello, how are you? It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry I hope that you're well ..."
11. Which cult sitcom refers to the song by The Rembrandts "I'll Be There For You"?
12. What well-known TV series does this photo refer to?
12. What well-known TV series does this photo refer to?
13. What a widely-known book do you associate with the following characters: inspector Lestrade, doctor Watson and Arthur Charpentier? Give its title and the name of the author of the book.
14. In which city was Beyonce born?
15. Give the year and the name of the city in which the band The Beathles was formed.
16. What film do you associate with the following characters: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, Ragetti? Give its English title.
17. What animated film is the song "I Like To Move It, Move It" from?
18. What is the real name of German actress Heide Kruger?
19. What is the English title of the animated film "Ratatuj"?
20. What animated film does the title "Despicable Me" refer to?
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