Singer Audition Form
Please fill in this form, answering all questions.
When you have finished, click "Done" and book an interview slot in the doodle form linked on our website and on Facebook.
Name *
Email *
Year and College *
Voice type (Soprano, bass etc)
Musical/Theatre Background *
Other commitments during Michaelmas term (sports, other societies etc) *
Please include the link to your unlisted youtube video here. This can be a new recording or from a previous concert/audition of you singing a piece of your choice (approx 2-3 min).  If you have never sung opera before don't worry - you can record any other song you think shows off your voice.(You can also submit a link to a file in your Durham University onedrive, but make sure it has the setting "People in Durham University with the link" before you copy the url.) *
I accept that Durham Opera Ensemble may use my contact information in line with Durham University Privacy Policy. Durham Opera Ensemble will never share your information with any third party. The video shared in this form is not for Durham Opera Ensemble to share with anyone else but members of the Exec and Music Director/Directors. *
If successful in my audition, I consent to any pictures, videos and/or recordings in which I may appear to be used in Durham Opera Ensemble's marketing. *
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