The Vindolanda Trust Work Experience Programme
This is an expression of interest to the Vindolanda Trust Work Experience Programme. Please note, this is not a confirmation of your place. 
The deadline for this form is midnight on Monday 7th April 2025. We will confirm your place by 5pm on Thursday 10th April 2025, sending out a consent form and schedule for the week. 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sophie Westlake at 
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Name *
Date of Birth  *
Email Address *
Please let us know which school you attend, or if you are home educated.  *
Preferred dates for work experience week. Unfortunately, we cannot offer work experience on any other dates. *
Please let us know why you would like to attend the work experience programme at The Vindolanda Trust (min. 100 words/max. 200 words). If you would prefer to submit this in an alternative format, such as video, please make a note below and we will be in touch to arrange. 
Thank you for completing this form.  Please note, this is not a confirmation of your place. 
The deadline for this form is midnight on Monday 7th April 2025. We will confirm your place by 5pm on Thursday 10th April 2025, sending out a consent form and schedule for the week. 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sophie Westlake at 
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