Creative Connections: An AnthroArt Conference on Anthropology, Art and Action
Participation is free of charge based on registering here.
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Spots are limited and we want to give priority to people who have a direct interest and connection to the topic of the conference. Please tell us very briefly why you wish to take part in this event. Alternatively, you can share a link to your professional profile. Thank you! *


Checking these boxes represents your agreement regarding the processing of personal data by Antropedia, the conference organizer, in accordance with the current GDPR legislation, and their use solely for communication and promotional materials purposes.
The conference will be recorded and photographs will be taken during the event. By checking this box, you express your consent that any images in which you appear can be distributed on the organizer's website and social media pages.
Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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