(HC)2 Spanish homework for the 5th/6th class on October 23, 2019.  The assignment is due on Wednesday, Oct 30, 2019 and is worth 2 stickers.  After Oct 30, you may still complete it for 1 sticker.

Important vocabulary:
Super seven verbs (they're listed on the blog)
el capibara - the capybara
patas - paws
herbívoros - herbivores
nada - he/she swims
come - he/she eats
vive en - he/she lives in
el roedor - the rodent
dientes - teeth
más grande - biggest
la selva tropical - the rainforest
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¿Cómo te llamas?  (Remember, that means "What's your name?" and it will always be the first question on the homework.  Please use first name so I can give you stickers!) *
Think about Spanish class today.  On a scale of 1-5 how well did you understand the Spanish we spoke in class.  1=Didn't understand much of anything, 5=You understood everything! (Sorry, we used too much English this week!  Next week will be more Spanish.  This will always be the second question on the homework.) *
I didn't understand much at all.
Wow! I understood pretty much everything!
Los Capibaras
In class today, we learned about capibaras.

Read this short paragraph in Spanish.

El capibara es un animal.    El capibara es un roedor.  Es el roedor más grande.  El capibara vive en Sudamérica.  No vive en Asia.  No vive en Australia.  Vive en Sudamérica.  El capibara vive en la selva tropical.  No vive en el desierto.  

El capibara come mucho. Come plantas.  Come frutas.  No come carne.  El capibara es un herbívoro.  No es carnívoro.  

El capibara nada bien.  Le gusta el agua.

Los anacondas, jaguares, y caimanes comen capibaras.  

Now,  answer the Cierto (true) / Falso (false) questions that follow.
El capibara es una persona. *
El capibara es un insecto. *
El capibara es un animal. *
El capibara vive en Michigan. *
El capibara vive en Sudamérica. *
What does this mean in English?  En Sudamérica hay capibaras.   *
El capibara vuela (flies) bien. *
El capibara salta (jumps) bien. *
El capibara trepa (climbs) bien. *
El capibara nada bien. *
El capibara come animales. *
El capibara come plantas. *
Los anacondas y los capibaras son amigos. *
What was your favorite thing you learned about capibaras?  (You may answer in English.) :) *
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