Apply for the HEART-LUNG MACHINE Playtest!
Thank you so much for wanting to take part in the playtest

So that you know what you're getting into, make sure to check out the Store Page

Anyone who successfully participates in the playtest will:
receive a free copy of the final game and 
✅ will be named in the credits

Please fill out the form and I will get back to you as soon as more playtesters are needed!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your VR Setup? *
Which VR headset(s) do you use? *
Which Controllers do you use? *
Please confirm that you agree with the following conditions:
Your Age *
Your Name or Nickname *
Do you want to be named in the credits? *
How often do you play horror games? *
[optional] Your PC Specs
[optional] How did you first hear about the game?
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