Participation in the Workshop on Establishing a Polar Archive Network 

Thank you for your interest in participating in the upcoming workshop on the Establishment of a Polar Archive Network, to be held at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK, on 17–18 March 2025. Please take a few minutes to complete this form. Your responses will help us plan the workshop and ensure a diverse and engaging event. We are trying to plan online participation as well, if not possible discussions will be recorded and notes will be mailed if requested.

Thank you for completing the questionnaire! We will contact you with further details about the workshop. For any inquiries, please email me
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number (optional)
Affiliation (list all relevant institutions) *
Job Title/ Position
Fields of Interest *
Do you currently work or have access to polar related archives *
Are you involved in any current or past projects related to the polar regions
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What are your primary motivations for participating in this workshop?

What topics or issues would you like to see addressed during the workshop?

Do you have any specific expertise or ideas you would like to contribute to the discussions?

I shall be able to attend in person *
If online participation is available, I shall attend online
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I cannot attend in person, but would like to receive notes, discussions and documents related to the workshop
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Please add me to a mailing list for the polar archive network *
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