MAGIC PATHS - Quick Explanation of Issue
There are three major paths of Reality in Baedoor Universe:
* CONNECTION {later as CON} - magic related to Mother Earth, deeply rooted inside and kinda peacefully. Based on environment manipulation, sometimes costs you sacrifices made upon yourself
* CEREMONIAL MAGIC {later as CRM} - classic spells, absorbing spiritual energy circling between Nature and Void. Can be learned and it's middle-ground between both other paths of Reality
* VOID MAGIC {later as VOI} - the most destructive spells, absorbing essence of Nature and Magic; you either pray for Destroyers, being your Lords, or try to survive yourself by absorbing other's living powers and essences
There are lots of "schools" of magic, teached by each civilization in Baedoor universe, and each school of magic is dependent on one of these paths, some also try to mix them somehow.
There are ormaths, latoka, etts and pahtris (lesser elves) using Connection Magic.
There are erds and ghlodds mixing Connection Magic with Ceremonial Magic.
There are humans and tris (elves) using Ceremonial Magic.
There are kehts and voitris (black elves) mixing Ceremonial Magic and Void Magic.
There are tertens using Void Magic.
There are also a lot of sects and individuals using various types of Ceremonial and Void Magic (one of the most known sects is ghloddish "Sect of Destroyer of Sun", being Void Magic reinterpretation of their cosmology)